SSJ 100 Accident: Mythbusting the US Sabotage Theory
I didn’t expect this to be bigtime news, but I guess since the rapid pace of development surrounding the Sukhoi Superjet 100 crash has slowedRead More →
I didn’t expect this to be bigtime news, but I guess since the rapid pace of development surrounding the Sukhoi Superjet 100 crash has slowedRead More →
A farewell to the dead is always grave and sad but the words that we choose to express how we feel being left behind byRead More →
Salam perpisahan bagi yang sudah tiada memanglah berat, tetapi uraian kata-kata yang kita pilih untuk mengisahkan perasaan kita yang ditinggal oleh mereka seringkali membawa muatanRead More →
Drag queen dari Taliban dikawal tentara pemerintahAfghanistan untuk diadili! Tenang, foto drag queen diatas hanyalah lelucon, saya ingin bahas “winglets” dan kenapa banyak macamnya? Di bahasaRead More →
A Taliban drag queen being escorted by Afghan forces to face justice! No, the drag queen is just a joke, I’m talking about “winglets” andRead More →
Kontroversi dan liputan seputar musibah kecelakaan Sukhoi SSJ100 terus berlanjut meskipun sudah tidak lagi menjadi headline news terus menerus. Namun, sekarang banyak yang bertanya kesaya,Read More →
Controversy and coverage of the Sukhoi SSJ100 crash continue, albeit now not continuously in the headlines. One point that people continue to ask me is:Read More →
My friend Andi D, has been very helpful in providing me information on what he could remember, and the photos he took during the firstRead More →
Dalam upaya bisa “memerah” naik pamornya media sosial internet, anda sekarang bisa menggunakan lounge Cathay Pacific di Bandara Internasional San Francisco menurut artikel blog kawanRead More →
In the scramble to “milk in” the social media boom, you can now Klout your way to the Cathay Pacific lounge at San Francisco International Airport.Read More →