PK-GTA: A320NEO pertama Citilink menuju Indonesia
Pesawat A320NEO pertama untuk Citilink akan tiba di Indonesia tanggal 23 Februari 2017 setelah delivery flight dari Toulouse (Prancis) melalui Ras Al Khaimah (UAE). Pesawat berangkatRead More →
Pesawat A320NEO pertama untuk Citilink akan tiba di Indonesia tanggal 23 Februari 2017 setelah delivery flight dari Toulouse (Prancis) melalui Ras Al Khaimah (UAE). Pesawat berangkatRead More →
End of the Islamic holy month of Ramadhan is marked by the Eid-Al-Fitr holidays, in Indonesia that means peak season. It is usual for the ministryRead More →
Dalam persiapan untuk peak-season Lebaran, Kemenhub melalui Direktorat Kelaikan Udara dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara (DKUPPU) serta Inspektorat Jendral (ItJen) melakukan ramp-check di 5 bandara besar (Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta (CGK/WIII),Read More →
Setelah seminggu kabur dari urusan kecelakaan MS804, saya sedikit jengkel ketika membaca tuduhan² yang menurut saya cukup aneh-bin-ajaib. Salah satu tuduhan tersebut adalah pesawat yang nahas tersebut mengalamiRead More →
Having spent a week away from dealing with the MS804 crash, I was quite shocked to return finding new allegations that the aircraft has hadRead More →
My colleague, Mr. FlyingTurtle is always kind enough to post periodic synopsis of accidents in order to keep discussions there not going too far astray.Read More →
Information begin to surface on MS804’s aircraft automated messages (ACARS) containing aircraft warnings, faults, and status. It appears that aircraft may have had an in-flightRead More →
As the search continues to find Egyptair MS804 (SU-GCC), speculation begin to surface as to the cause of the tragedy. While many point towards terrorism,Read More →
Egyptair telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa salah satu pesawatnya hilang. Penerbangan nomor MS804 dari Paris Charles de Gaulle ke Kairo hilang dari pantauan radar sekitar 10Read More →
Egyptair has confirmed that one of it’s aircraft has gone missing. Flight MS804 from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport to Cairo disappeared roughly 10Read More →