If it was a rocket fairing, why didn’t it burn up on re-entry?
H2As soon as my last article was put online, someone asked me, “If it’s space debris, surely it would have burnt up upon re-entry. IRead More →
H2As soon as my last article was put online, someone asked me, “If it’s space debris, surely it would have burnt up upon re-entry. IRead More →
I wrote earlier about the piece of debris found off Thailand that was suspected to being a part of MH370 and how I think of it’sRead More →
As the mystery of MH370 approaches it’s 2nd anniversary, a video has come up of debris suspected by some to be from the missing MH370, found offRead More →
MH370 sudah hampir 1 tahun hilang dan diluar perkembangan area pencarian kita tidak begitu banyak mendengar perkembangan² sejak bulan pertama kejadian. Mulai banyak pihak yangRead More →
Saya sebenernya bukan penggemar teori konspirasi dan saya biasa mengabaikannya ketika mulai dibahas terkait kecelakaan pesawat, atau dalam hal ini, pesawat yang hilang. Namun denganRead More →
The 1st year anniversary of MH370 is coming up fast and outside the developments of the search effort, we haven’t had much progress since theRead More →
I am no fan of conspiracy theories and I usually dismiss them when it comes to aircraft accidents, or in this case, missing aircraft. However,Read More →
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